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please remember to register your account with your character's USERNAME. for example, if their real name is john smith, but they appear in game as potato, then you should register your character as potato.

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Upon first signing in, users are immediately greeted with vast stretches of sand, and the deep blue ocean beyond it. The place is what many would call a paradise in the truest sense of the word, from the vibrant city on the cliffs to the incredible marine specimens that are offered by the beaches below. The excitable population seems to continue finding new reasons for celebrations and festivals, and most who have the pleasure of setting foot on the shore have trouble disagreeing with those sentiments.
cbxcvb by Nathalie
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JANNA Avatar
Upon first signing in, users are immediately greeted with vast stretches of sand, and the deep blue ocean beyond it. The place is what many would call a paradise in the truest sense of the word, from the vibrant city on the cliffs to the incredible marine specimens that are offered by the beaches below. The excitable population seems to continue finding new reasons for celebrations and festivals, and most who have the pleasure of setting foot on the shore have trouble disagreeing with those sentiments.
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JANNA Avatar
Upon first signing in, users are immediately greeted with vast stretches of sand, and the deep blue ocean beyond it. The place is what many would call a paradise in the truest sense of the word, from the vibrant city on the cliffs to the incredible marine specimens that are offered by the beaches below. The excitable population seems to continue finding new reasons for celebrations and festivals, and most who have the pleasure of setting foot on the shore have trouble disagreeing with those sentiments.
dgdf by JANNA

by Nathalie (Dec 2, 2017 23:04:25 GMT)
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